Are you fed up with heavy glasses that come in front of your eyes? You have uncomfortable, heavy, thick-lensed glasses that hurt your nose? If so, it's time for some blue block lens pricees by our awesome brand PHOTON! These lenses will alter how you perceive everything around you as well as how it feels to wear your specs.
If you wear strong prescription glasses, you know how difficult it is to find lenses that look good, feel good. The problem with this is that most frame styles aren’t designed to hold thick lenses, which can lead a pair of glasses to feel unwieldy and heavy. Heavy glasses can slip down your nose or cause your ears to ache. This can be really annoying!
At PHOTON, we have got the right frame for you! Our blue block lenseses are our best work. Special technology is utilized in these lenses which makes them thinner and lighter in comparison to the normal ones. That means they won’t weigh you down or make your face fatigued. You definitely deserve to see, and feel much more comfortable without sacrificing your style or how you want to look with 1.67 lenses.
Also Protect Your Eyes: 1.67 lenses are equipped with built-in UV protection that provides a higher level of protection against harmful sunlight. These lenses block the sun’s rays, which can damage your eyes, when you wear them outdoors. This is extremely vital for ensuring your vision is safe and healthy!
1.67 lenses are heavy-frame be-gone! These lenses are also thin and light, which means you can choose any frame you want, without worrying about your frames looking chunky with thick lenses. They have round frames, square ones, fun colors, etc., with glasses that will fit your personality and style!
The biggest benefit of 1.67 lenses is that they allow you to see better and feel more comfortable wearing the glasses. These lenses can bend light more effectively than standard lenses, so you get better vision. It is especially useful for high prescription, where seeing clearly is so important.
This increase in lens thickness results in increased comfort for the wearer, as 1.67 lenses are also significantly lighter than regular lenses. This comfort is especially important if you need to wear your glasses all day, such as at school or while reading. 1.67 Lenses allow sharper vision with greater comfort in a single coating!