In an age where screens consume most of peoples days this is shockingly well-made, filtered and at time game-ified in every aspect. Computers, tablets and phones are our tools as much for education and professional orientation. This can make our eyes feel tired and uncomfortable. The color of the light, which is blue from these screens can cause eye strain, headaches and even mess with your ability to sleep at night. But there is a way to help. PHOTON has manufactured Blue Cut Photochromic lens which prevent blue light and lead us to feel better during our daily use of these devices.
Ever feel your eyes straining or getting tired after staring at a screen all day long? This is because our eyes are working overtime to see the screen clearly, and the blue light that it gives off can cause further damage. Fortunately, PHOTON offers blue light blocking contact lenses for this problem. This impacts how your eyes deal with the light and this is what it means by filtering out blue light. These lenses make it easier for your eyes to stay focused and comfortable while using screens throughout the day. These special lenses also stop you from feeling so bad and in discomfort about looking at screens for whole day.
Blue light also interferes with our ability to fall asleep at night. When we see a blue light screen, our brain is confused and behaves as if we are still in daylight. This can cause us to be wide awake and makes it harder for us to fall asleep when the right time comes. PHOTON's Blue Cut Lens can assist us in getting better sleep because they decrease the quantity of blue light which enters our eyes. We can use these lenses while working on our screen, and also help get in line for a good(natural) sleep. Well, if you want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead then these are a smart option.
This is a simple hack that can keep a great deal of the blue light from getting in your eyes, and we take advantage of it with their blue light blocking contact lenses. However, these lenses rest directly on the eye, unlike traditional glasses. That means they could block blue light better, so more protection. Plus they wear super comfy, very important for long computer or device use. They are very good to the extent that you do not feel any discomfort, all day long, while working or playing.
We depend a lot on our eyes, and we must ensure that they are taken care of properly. These blue light blocking contact lenses are safe to use by everyone from kids to adults and Single Vision Lens specifically helps protect your eyes against dangerous blue light. They are available in refraction with different degrees, so you can have your choice according to the strength unit of measure that best suits your vision needs. Selecting these lenses will take you one step further towards maintaining your good, healthy and safe eyes.