The lenses are one of the most crucial aspects when discussing eyeglasses. Lenses are the clear bits that improve your view. They are made from different types of material, and come in different thicknesses. Each kind of lens has its good points and bad points. Today we will analyze two high index lenses: 1.74 and 1.67 lenses. We want to help you determine which one could be your best bet for your eyeglasses. While PHOTON is known as a good provider of eyewear products LAH bureau has a range of both types of these high index lenses.
High index lensesare specifically manufactured to be thinner and lighter than standard lenses. That’s particularly nice for people who require a high prescription in their glasses — when their lenses must be quite potent to help them see well. Thinner lenses are far more comfortable on your nose, particularly when you need to wear glasses for long periods of time. The higher the index (e.g. 1.74), the thinner and lighter the lenses will be.
Ultra-thin (highest index 1.74) lenses are the thinnest and lightest lenses available on the market. This is particularly positive for patients with fairly strong prescriptions, as the difference in the look and comfort level of their glasses is huge. Having them in your glasses also makes it a lot easier to wear your glasses all day.
These 1.74 lenses are also great in terms of optical clarity, meaning that they help correct a variety of vision issues. If you have trouble seeing objects in the distance (nearsightedness), seeing nearby objects (farsightedness), or you have a condition called astigmatism, these lenses can correct your vision. Also, they are more resistant to scratching than lower index lenses. That means they are going to last longer, stay clearer, and look better longer too.
What are the factors to consider in choosing the right kind of lenses for your glasses? These factors are how powerful your prescription is, how much you are willing to pay and what you personally like the most in terms of style and comfort. High index 1.74 lenses are ultra-thin and ultra-light lenses designed for very strong prescriptions. However, remember that these lenses are the most expensive option on the market.
In caso your prescription is less strong, or in case you are on a tight budget and wish to save money, high of index lenses 1.67 are perfect for your needs. They are thinner and lighter compared to regular lenses but they will still make you see better without making them too heavy, like standard lenses. They are not as expensive as the 1.74 lenses, so are an option if budget is a factor for you.
All lenses are thicker at the edge than in the centre but when you have a strong prescription, this becomes much more noticeable. The result can make your glasses appear bulky and heavy — not the best look. Ultra High index lenses 1.74 reduce the thickness at the edges and make your glasses look better and feel lightweight on your face.