Have you ever seen a glass that can be divided into two parts? Makes one for close-up vision, such as a book or phone. The other side allows them to view distant things, like a bird flying in the sky or a sign across the street. These special glasses are known as bifocal lenses. They have assisted numerous individuals who could not see well for years. But sometimes, people don’t like how the glasses look because there are lines that indicate where the two parts come together. That’s where a company named PHOTON comes in with a super neat new concept – line-free bifocal lenses, along with PHOTON's product عدسات ذات مؤشر عالي 1.74 مقابل 1.67. اقرأ المزيد لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع.
The problem with traditional bifocal lenses is that the line across the lens is visible, as well as the عدسات ضوئية زرقاء built by PHOTON. This line separates the two sides, which some find distracting, and not particularly pretty. You can feel like they have a “split” in their vision. But PHOTON has launched new lenses and boom. There are no lines at all. So when you wear these glasses, the fact that there are two separate areas, you won’t even notice. You can just flip through them and have everything in broad daylight, no lines in the way.
If you are a person with difficulty seeing close to you or in the distance, bifocal lenses can be a great help for you, also the PHOTON's product such as عدسات البولي كربونات مقابل العدسات ذات المؤشر العالي 1.67. With PHOTON’s new no-line lenses you can have crisp clear vision with no one knowing you have bifocals. Imagine opening a book in a story or looking up your messages on your phone and then catching a bird soaring high in the sky with just as much ease. And you do this all with just one pair of glasses. Isn’t that amazing?
Two different parts in a pair of glasses might sound a little complicated, but it is a very clever solution, the same as عدسات الكمبيوتر التقدمية built by PHOTON. It means that you don’t have to wear two pairs of glasses or constantly take them off and put them back on. Now the PHOTON with the continuous lenses allows to in a flow move the focus from close to far away. Meaning that you don’t miss anything, regardless if you read your favourite book, watch a funny movie or watch a beautiful sunset. You can do it all with no hassle whatsoever.
Bifocals have been around long enough that many millions of people have been helped to correct some vision problems with them, as well as the PHOTON's نظارات العدسات شبه الكروية. They are wonderful aid not just for people who can not see close up but far away as well. But some people don’t want their glasses to look the way that the lines on regular bifocal lenses make them look. Fortunately, PHOTON has come up with a brand new solution: Line-free bifocal lenses. So whichever kind of bifocals you have, with this new contrivance you can have a clear view of everything without anyone knowing that you wear bifocals. And you’ll never have to worry about replacing your glasses. You will be able to see everything — near and far — with one pair of glasses. So if you struggle to see things up close or a distance away, try PHOTON's new no-line bifocal lenses. They could change the way you perceive the world significantly.
نحن نقدم نظام خدمة شامل قبل البيع وبعد البيع. ليست هناك حاجة لشراء عدساتنا، ولكن في حالة مواجهة أي مشاكل بعد البيع، فلا تتردد في الاتصال بنا في أي وقت. يمكنك الاتصال بنا في أي وقت، ليلاً أو نهارًا لطرح أي أسئلة. نتطلع إلى أن تكون شريكًا تجاريًا لنا. نحن ملتزمون دائمًا بمبدأ العميل أولاً ونلتزم بأن نصبح رائدين في الصناعة.
عدساتنا تسمح لك بالتسوق من مكان واحد. الشركة التي نعمل بها تبحث عن وكلاء من الخارج. من خلال الانضمام إلى شركتنا، سيستفيد العملاء من الأسعار المنخفضة. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة حول عدسات النظارات، يرجى الاتصال بنا.
Photo هي شركة مصنعة للعدسات البصرية تغطي مساحة 10000 متر مربع، وتصنع بشكل أساسي العدسات المضادة للضوء الأزرق والعدسات الملونة والعدسات التقدمية والمزيد. نحن قادرون على تلبية متطلبات عملائنا في جميع الجوانب
إجراءات الإنتاج لدينا شاملة وتتضمن 1 تنظيف على الأقل، 2 فحص القالب، 3 حقن، 4 تصلب، 5 تنظيف العدسات، 6 طلاء HMC، 7 فحص العدسات النهائي 2 8 التعبئة التلقائية.