ما هي النظارات ثنائية البؤرة؟
Have you ever noticed someone wearing spectacles that have an obvious line right in the center? That line indicates they wear bifocals or PHOTON bifocal, which is for people whose vision is not as good as it is at different ranges. The نظارات ثنائية البؤرة بدون خطوط enable you to see far away, and they also allow you to see close up. But, sometimes that line can get really annoying. It can make the glasses seem less nice. That’s where lineless bifocals come in for a much more superior option.
Lineless bifocals are normal-looking glasses, and hollow behind the level of contact lenses. Instead of having a line, there are two strengths in one lens. This means you can see distance and near without that visible line getting in the way. So, you can wear normal, stylish glasses but get bifocal benefits! It’s both worlds in one great experience.
The PHOTON special lenses that make this possible are called progressive lenses. They are also called no-line bifocals or multifocal lenses. These عدسات ثنائية البؤرة بدون خط are a step above traditional bifocals, which have a distinct line dividing the two strengths. Progressive lenses provide a gradual change between strengths. Between the two is the ability to see clearly whether that thing is a long distance away or right next door without any sudden jumps or changes. It’ll make your vision feel a lot more natural and easy.
For people that need better vision, PHOTON provides these lineless bifocals. They are an especially good option for people who have difficulty seeing small print, such as the words in a book or in a menu, or those who have trouble seeing things far away, such as a sign across the road. The best part is they come in a variety of styles and frames. That way, you can select a pair that fits your particular style and feels good on. Because with lineless bifocals you can also see better and still look fashionable.
Now is the time to get rid of that unsightly line you can see on your glasses! You have been upgraded to lineless bifocals today! Now, with lineless bifocal option (that is decadent to say, here comes the cake), you can have it all: clear vision in one spectrum, comfortable vision in another — all without the presence of a giant line to make it seem like we've even tried. No more problems of the sudden switch between various strengths that you can get with standard bifocals. You have the right to see well and to see comfortably. Order your نظارات ثنائية البؤرة بدون خط, and enable you to experience your new improved active vision.
نحن نقدم خطة خدمة شاملة لمرحلة ما قبل البيع وما بعده. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة بشأن أي مشكلة بعد البيع، فنحن هنا. نحن في متناول اليد في أي وقت من اليوم لمساعدتك في الإجابة على أسئلتك. نتطلع إلى أن تصبح شريكًا لنا. نحن ملتزمون بأن نكون رائدين في صناعتنا وسنضع العميل دائمًا في المقام الأول.
عدساتنا واسعة النطاق وتوفر إمكانية الشراء من مكان واحد. تبحث شركتنا حاليًا عن وكلاء من الخارج. إذا انضممت إلينا، فستحصل على أفضل الأسعار. اتصل بنا إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي عدسات لعينيك.
عملية الإنتاج التي نستخدمها كاملة وتشمل 1 الحد الأدنى من التنظيف، 2 فحص القالب، 3 الحقن، 4 التصلب، 5 تنظيف العدسات، 6 طلاء HMC، 7 فحص العدسات النهائية 2، 8 التعبئة والتغليف التلقائي.
Photo هي شركة مصنعة للعدسات البصرية تغطي مساحة 10000 متر مربع، وتنتج بشكل أساسي العدسات المضادة للضوء الأزرق والعدسات المتغيرة اللون والعدسات التقدمية وما إلى ذلك. الشركة قادرة على تلبية توقعات العملاء في جميع المجالات