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1.74 vs. 1.67 Hochindex-Gläser

If you are new to the process of getting glasses, it can be quite an exciting process! That’s because when people get tighter-fitting glasses or new glasses, they tend to feel happier because their vision sharpens. But when selecting theore lens, it can be somewhat daunting. There are many types of lenses, but two of the most popular types of lenses are 1.74 and 1.67 high index lenses. In this guide, we’ll break down how these lenses differ and help you determine which type of lens may work best for you!

The most important part of glasses are the lenses, which you get when you purchase a pair. They’re what let you see clearly and comfortably. These lenses, known as high index, are thinner and lighter compared to regular lenses. This results in thinner lenses which are more comfortable for extended periods of wear. They also don't call as much attention to your face, which can make you feel more comfortable when you wear them.

The Pros and Cons of 1.74 vs 1.67

The primary distinction between 1.74 and 1.67 high index lenses lies in their thickness. The 1.74 include thinner lenses than a 1.67. This can be extremely beneficial for individuals with higher prescriptions. In cases where they require thicker lenses to see clearly, 1.74 lenses can weigh less and increase comfort. 1.74 lenses, on the other hand, do tend to be more expensive than their cousin 1.67 lenses.

Here are some things to eat least weigh in a dilemma when deciding among 1.74 and 1.67 lenses: First, consider your prescription. The 1.74 lens may be the right option for you if your prescription is very strong. They will make it easy for you to see and will feel lighter to wear for longer periods. On the other hand, only use 1.67 if your prescription is average or not very strong.

Why choose PHOTON 1.74 vs 1.67 high index lenses?

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